Tree stump

I’ve been playing with paper.

I had this question: what if you rolled up some paper into a coil, would it look like the rings in a cut log?

And it was late, and I couldn’t sleep no matter how tired I was, and I had this question based on what I learned while making that superb ballast study a couple weeks ago: little bits of napkin, dipped in water, are a wonderful sculptural medium; maybe tree roots?

Kettle on. Tea made.

I’m not saying this is even close to the perfect model tree stump but it also feels less like a baking soda volcano than it did earlier. It feels like I want to play with these materials more and see how they can be worked.

Extra napkins soaked in tap water feel like something I want to use to make models or at least sculptural forms with. This connects back to making media choices based on what feels right over what should be. Finally, importantly, I’m slowly learning that anything washing against the shores of success in larger scale modelling is the product of learning to be curious and try something focussed on solving the problem instead of adapting a solution. Just like how adapting Agile thinking, from the day job, helped me progress on The Shove, platform-independent thinking, also from the day job, was a less-frustrating way to think.

And if nothing else, it sure is fun making models.

For dimensional reference the block of foam this is built on is one inch tall by an inch wide.

Categories: 16mm scale 32mm gauge, a study models, model scenery

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1 reply

  1. That is extremely inventive. I hope you can finish it off fully

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